How to Live with Purpose in 2021
Dec 29, 2020
It has been a rough year, 2020 has been a year for resetting and rethinking our ways of living. We have spent the must longer time with ourself and with our loved ones, than in any other situation. This has been an opportunity for learning from our past, allowing the emotions and setting up what we want to build for the future. Now, we are looking for purpose and for it I'd like to share with you some strategies practiced by our YPY Impact coaching members across the globe, to get them unstuck, focused, re booted and supercharged, hoping that this will help you through 2021 and for the years to come.
In life sometimes you have to break something in order to re build it into what you really want it to be. You are the one in charge of your life and what a better way to make the must out of it. Start from what you would like to change and how you want to make a difference? , find a meaning by reframing what has brought you up to hear and what you would like to create from now on by empowering your uniqueness, think big and plan for the future by aligning and taking action.
This is just the beginning, remember, change takes persistence and clarity, be the lobster break out of your shell, and allow your process.
Join our power network and download the full PDF "7 strategies to supercharge your impact in 2021".
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